Principal standing in front of C.B.S Ennis school

Brief History of C.B.S. Primary

The Christian Brothers first came to Ennis in 1827 at the request of the Bishop. People were poor, education was not seen to be a priority and free Catholic education was uncommon because of the circumstances prevailing at the time. The Brothers began teaching in the town in a building in Chapel Lane that was soon to be afterwards condemned as being suitable for human habitation.

Archive image of C.B.S

In 1830, the two-storey school building – measuring 60′ long by 30′ wide – was built, running parallel with the street. That building accommodated both primary and secondary pupils until 1935 when a new secondary C.B.S – Rice College – was erected.

For a number of years in the 1840’s, girls attended the school – using the upstairs section – at the C.B.S. In the 1950’s an extension was added to the 1830 building on the eastern and western sides.

During this time also the school hall was erected and in early 1960’s a field – which is now the site of our playing pitch, junior school building, yard and car-parking are – was purchased.

Archive image of C.B.S

The junior school building was built in the 1960’s and extensions were added in the 1980’s. Co-education was introduced in 1992. Our playing pitch was developed in 1995 and completed in 1998.

Improvements are on-going with a view to providing our pupils with the best possible opportunities at our disposal.

Old photo of C.B.S. Ennis

Old photo of C.B.S. Ennis

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